Wednesday, February 6, 2008

I Need Another Fix

So, I am quickly coming to the realization that I am going to be an addict.  To posting, that is!  Wah wa!  I am discovering that my lack of social and communication skills can be overcome through writing.  By putting my thoughts and feelings out to the scrutiny of complete strangers, I have no choice but to be confident in what I am saying.  I am well aware, however, that most  things will be complete gibberish to anyone but myself.  But there is the slim chance that there is an individual out there who will see this and think, " Hey, I know exactly what she means!"  Regardless, being able to see my insanity in text gives me a certain comfort.  So, as I am trying to decide the course my life will take over the next few months, I think I will have a lot to contribute to this little blog o' mine.  Be it my career ( or lack thereof), or my marriage (or lack thereof) or what I should do with my hair I look forward to this avenue of self-expression and complete freedom that I feel is stifled in other aspects of my life.  So, onward and upward...


BabyonBored said...

We all want to hear what's on your mind. So take some ecstacy and go crazy! Spill it, sister.

Miss said...

Oooh new blogger meat!! ;-) Good luck with your writing. Its hard at first and you might feel discouraged at times but just stick with it and dont be afraid to put yourself out there! I'll definetly be checking back!


M. Butterfly said...

Welcome to the blogosphere! I was redirected here from Baby on Bored. Looking forward to reading!
- Cassandra

MereCat said...

You are right on. You will be amazed how you will gravitate towards others who really do understand your feelings and posts. I'm a newbie, or rather a born again blogger, so I'm in your camp.

Go get 'em girl!

iheartchocolate said...

I look forward to reading your "adventures" and offering many unsolicited opinions. :)

domestika said...

Oho girl, you think you're feeling the twinges of blog addiction now, just you wait until you've got your own little cheering section online and a couple of hefty archives under your belt... there'll be no stopping you! Welcome to the high-class club - it's great to meet you... Stefanie did good to send us over here ;)

Kyddryn said...

It doesn't get any easier to resist when you finally have complete strangers reading your words. Muahaha! I look forward to seeing more.

Shade and Sweetwater,

help4newmoms said...

It's kind of like that running high that people talk about isn't it? Also there is something about that Blogger input screen that makes it easy to write.
Looking forward to your posts...